
31 Oct 2011

Hukum Jerat Koruptor 2012

Siksa Neraka
Dipukulin dan di jemur 
Tembak mati
Didenda berapa sesuai jumlah hasil yang dikorupsi
Tidak dikasih makan selama dipenjara sampai mati
Potong tangan dan kaki
Membutakan kedua matanya selama hidup
korupsi memek
Dipenjara seumur hidup
Beri minum obat bius/obat keras


29 Oct 2011


Apa yang anda pikirkan ketika sulit ,apa yang paling banyak orang katakan disaat terpuruk dalam menjalani dan melewati gersangnya hidup.
Secara daya ke pemikiran seseorang mudah saja hidup lebih cenderung mengahalkan segala cara untuk senang dalam mencukupi nafas kehidupannya.Pada kesempatan kali ini aku katakan new freedoom expression . Saatnya berekspresikan hidup ini dengan sebaik - baiknya dalam menjalani hidup ini.
Mungkin banyak berbeda dalam pemikiran seseorang, setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk memilih jalan hidupnya masing masing.

*Dalam menjalani hidup ini selalu dengan penuh percaya diri untuk menumbuhkan sikap karakteristik yang beridentik sesuai dengan pendidikan,keyakinan kepercayaan/agama.Tapi jangan sekali -kali membedakan antara yang lainya sebagaimana mestinya kita semua satu dalam keluarga atau golongan makhluk hidup yang mempunyai hati dan akal pikiran

*Mudahkanlah kerendahan hati untuk memaafkan sesama maka hidup akan lebih bermakna dalam menjalani sehari harinya memang benar tak ada manusia yang sempurna didunia ini kesempurnaan hanyalah milik orang orang yang menyadari segala kekurangan dan kelebihan dalam dirinya.

*Jangan pernah berfikir hari esok karena sesungguhnya hari esok adalah hari ini yaitu saat ini,saat dimana detik ini kita bernafas dan bisa berbagi hidup.

*Jangan berfikir umur bertambah itu hanya harapan doa ketika anda merayakan sebuah acara seperti ulang tahun ,prestasi yang dicapai sebaliknya umur atau usia ini detik demi detik telah berkurang sebagaimana mestinya tak ada satupun manusia didunia ini kapan nyawa ini dicabut (mati).

*Selalu ucapkan dan panjatkan rasa syukur terhadap Tuhan atas apa yang dicapai hanyalah hasilNya.Kehidupan ini akan lebih bermakna lagi jika kita saling memberi setia mengasihi dan menyayangi.



25 Oct 2011

I Hope You Know as Song It

The smell of your skin lingers on me nowYou're probably on your flight back to your home townI need some shelter of my own protection babyTo be with myself and center, clarityPeace, Serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay

Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity


24 Oct 2011


Menikmati hari waktu bersantai ku isi dengan menonton Televisi seperti biasa dalam kehidupan ini membutuhkan suatu kesenangan tersendiri dikala senggang untuk  menghapus kepenatan jiwa dan pikiran

Kini ku butuh senja dikala kesunyian datang untuk menikmati berbagai hawa di bumi ini .Namun sedemikian rupa saat televisi rusak aku berfikir tidak ada jalan semudah membalik tangan kali ini, namun ternyata kini kutemukan cara baru di internet.Hampir semua dalam satu genggaman tangan dunia ini tak seperti dulu.

Satan In off 
Aku ingin berbagi cerita ini sampai air ludah mengering menembus api yang akan padam dalam senyap senyap TV yang rusak ini .dimulailah hari ini esok dan seterusnya.Salam damai TV ku tercinta kelak datang ku temukan penggantimu hanya DISINI !!! 
Ini Tv setan saat ku tendang hanya berkata hidup ini deritaku, hidupku buah karya tangan ini.

16 Oct 2011

Keluarga Cisco Linksys Wireless Broadband Router

Keluarga Cisco Linksys Wireless Broadband Router

15 Oct 2011



Militer Indonesia:
Air force personnel 21,000 [19th of 49]
Armed forces growth 7 [63rd of 132]
Definition: Military > Armed forces growth
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
Armed forces personnel 297,000 [16th of 166]
Definition: Military > Armed forces personnel
Source: calculated on the basis of data on armed forces from IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies). 2001. The Military Balance 2001-2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Army personnel 220,000 [11th of 49]
Definition: Military > Army personnel
Source: IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies). 2001. The Military Balance 2001-2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI): Army (TNI-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)), Navy (TNI-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL); includes marines, naval air arm), Air Force (TNI-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)), National Air Defense Command (Kommando Pertahanan Udara Nasional (Kohanudnas))
Definition: Military > Branches
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
Selective conscription (FWCC).
Definition: Military > Conscription
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Conventional arms exports $50,000,000.00 [22nd of 40]
Definition: Military > Conventional arms exports
Source: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997. Data collected from the nations concerned, unless otherwise indicated. Acronyms: Amnesty International (AI); European Council of Conscripts Organizations (ECCO); Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC); International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHFHR); National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO); Service, Peace and Justice in Latin America (SERPAJ); War Resisters International (WRI); World Council of Churches (WCC)
Conventional arms imports $85,000,000.00 [38th of 85]
Definition: Military > Conventional arms imports
Source: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). 2005. SIPRI Arms Transfers. Database. February. Stockholm.
% of GDP: 0.94 % --> expenditure > % of GDP 0.94 % Time series [95th of 145]
Definition: Military > expenditure > % of GDP
Source: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). 2005. SIPRI Arms Transfers. Database. February. Stockholm.
Dollar figure: $1,300,000,000.00 --> Expenditures > Dollar figure $1,300,000,000.00 Time series [17th of 111]
Definition: Military > Expenditures > Dollar figure
Source: World Development Indicators database
Availability > Males age 15-49: 65,665,700 --> Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49 65,665,700 [4th of 175]
Definition: Military > Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Military age: 18 years of age --> Manpower > Military age 18 years of age Time series
Definition: Military > Manpower > Military age
Source: CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005
Reaching military age annually > Males: 2,181,303 --> Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Males 2,181,303 Time series [4th of 226]
Definition: Military > Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Males
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Navy personnel 43,000 [12th of 49]
Definition: Military > Navy personnel
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
personnel 582,000 Time series [12th of 170]
Definition: Military > personnel
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
% of total labor force: 0.54 % --> personnel > % of total labor force 0.54 % Time series [118th of 168]
Definition: Military > personnel > % of total labor force
Source: World Development Indicators database
Service age and obligation
18 years of age for selective compulsory and voluntary military service; 2-year conscript service obligation, with reserve obligation to age 45 (officers); Indonesian citizens only
Definition: Military > Service age and obligation
Source: World Development Indicators database
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier > National examples > Description
The Field of Honour is a memorial to unknown soldiers. There is also the Tomb of the Unknown (Dutch) Sailor in Kembang Kuning war cemetery in Surabaya.
Definition: Military > Tomb of the Unknown Soldier > National examples > Description
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
US military exports $9,964.00 thousand [19th of 109]
Definition: Military > US military exports
Source: Wikipedia: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Weapon holdings 1,166,000 [62nd of 137]
Definition: Military > Weapon holdings
Source: Study by David Lochhead and James Morrell; available from the Center for International Policy
Militer Malaysia
Air force personnel 12,500 [28th of 49]
Armed forces growth -13 [85th of 132]
Definition: Military > Armed forces growth
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
Armed forces personnel 96,000 [42nd of 166]
Definition: Military > Armed forces personnel
Source: calculated on the basis of data on armed forces from IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies). 2001. The Military Balance 2001-2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Army personnel 85,000 [27th of 49]
Definition: Military > Army personnel
Source: IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies). 2001. The Military Balance 2001-2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Malaysian Armed Forces (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, ATM): Malaysian Army (Tentera Darat Malaysia), Royal Malaysian Navy (Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, TLDM), Royal Malaysian Air Force (Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, TUDM)
Definition: Military > Branches
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
No conscription (AI).
Definition: Military > Conscription
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Conventional arms imports $277,000,000.00 [20th of 85]
Definition: Military > Conventional arms imports
Source: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997. Data collected from the nations concerned, unless otherwise indicated. Acronyms: Amnesty International (AI); European Council of Conscripts Organizations (ECCO); Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC); International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHFHR); National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO); Service, Peace and Justice in Latin America (SERPAJ); War Resisters International (WRI); World Council of Churches (WCC)
% of GDP: 1.9 % --> expenditure > % of GDP 1.9 % Time series [43rd of 145]
Definition: Military > expenditure > % of GDP
Source: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). 2005. SIPRI Arms Transfers. Database. February. Stockholm.
Expenditures 2.03 % of GDP Time series [35th of 87]
Definition: Military > Expenditures
Source: World Development Indicators database
Dollar figure: $1,690,000,000.00 --> Expenditures > Dollar figure $1,690,000,000.00 Time series [4th of 111]
Definition: Military > Expenditures > Dollar figure
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Availability > Females: 6,280,826 --> Manpower > Availability > Females 6,280,826 Time series [43rd of 162]
Definition: Military > Manpower > Availability > Females
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Availability > Males age 15-49: 6,067,160 --> Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49 6,067,160 [47th of 175]
Definition: Military > Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Military age: 21 years of age --> Manpower > Military age 21 years of age Time series
Definition: Military > Manpower > Military age
Source: CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005
Reaching military age annually > Males: 260,725 --> Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Males 260,725 Time series [45th of 226]
Definition: Military > Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Males
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Navy personnel 12,500 [26th of 49]
Definition: Military > Navy personnel
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
personnel 135,000 Time series [45th of 170]
Definition: Military > personnel
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
% of total labor force: 1.23 % --> personnel > % of total labor force 1.23 % Time series [64th of 168]
Definition: Military > personnel > % of total labor force
Source: World Development Indicators database
Service age and obligation
18 years of age for voluntary military service
Definition: Military > Service age and obligation
Source: World Development Indicators database
US military exports $75,953.00 thousand [11th of 109]
Definition: Military > US military exports
Source: All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008
Weapon holdings 1,108,000 [64th of 137]
Definition: Military > Weapon holdings
Source: Study by David Lochhead and James Morrell; available from the Center for International Policy
over a year ago  


13 Oct 2011

Cara Mengetahui Koneksi Internet Bermasalah

Sering kali tidak tahu jaringan internet yang terkoneksi bermasalah atau tidak yaitu sangat mudah dengan cara menambahkan aplikasi  Simtech Diagnostics di PC atau Laptop .Disini dapat diketahui antara lain sebagai berikut :  

• Get ID, untuk mendapatkan nama komputer, alamat IP (Internet Protocol) lokal, alamat IP Publik, alamat IP Gateway, alamat IP DNS (Domain Names System) dan juga apakah status DHCP aktif atau tidak.
• Check Connection, untuk mengetahui status koneksi internet atau jaringan apakah online atau tidak, mencakup koneksi di jaringan lokal (LAN), Modem (jika ada), Proxy server dan juga apakah RAS (Remote Access Services) terinstall.
• Ping, untuk mengecek atau mengetes koneksi internet ke alamat web (URL) tertentu. Alternatif selain menggunakan command prompt
• Get Email Client, untuk mendapatkan Informasi Email client yang digunakan
• Get Detail, mendapatkan informasi tambahan tentang Antivirus dan Firewall. Meskipun untuk antivirus saya cek sepertinya masih belum aktif
Dibagian paling bawah terdapat tombol (Please Click here for diagnostic and advice) untuk mendapatkan saran dan informasi tentang status koneksi internet saat ini. 
Sekarang anda bisa mengetahui diagnosis dan permasalahan  koneksi yang bermasalah selamat mencoba detail dan praktis .............DOWNLOAD SEKARANG


11 Oct 2011

My Photo BaretaCorps Hidupku

freedom Expression

streng body !!!
Real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point. 


7 Oct 2011



New Intel Core i5 and i7 processors.

Up to 1.7x faster at the core.

New quad-core Intel Core i5 processors are standard on the new iMac. Choose a 21.5-inch iMac with a 2.5GHz or 2.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i5. Or expand your view with a 27-inch iMac featuring a 2.7GHz or 3.1GHz quad-core Intel Core i5. You can even configure iMac with the fastest quad-core processor available — the Intel Core i7. All models use Intel’s recently refined chipsets. That means the new iMac performs nearly twice as fast as the previous generation,1 adding a new dimension of speed to everything you do. And since Mac OS X is designed to take advantage of each core, it captures every last bit of performance from the processor.

Turbo Boost 2.0.

Say you’re using a processor-intensive application like Aperture 3 or Final Cut Pro that benefits from extra power. Turbo Boost 2.0 automatically increases the speed of the active cores — up to 3.8GHz. And by shifting core frequency in small increments, Turbo Boost allows the processor to manage performance without sacrificing efficiency. All this takes place behind the scenes, so your work (or play) goes smoother and faster.

Faster single-chip microarchitecture.

Watching a movie, updating your blog, editing photos. Tasks like these require data to travel from place to place. The latest Intel Core architecture puts the processor, cache, memory controller, and graphics engine on a single chip. Since data doesn’t have as far to travel, you get faster performance and greater efficiency.

Integrated memory controller.

With faster access to memory, each core gets right to work on your data, rather than waiting for it to arrive. That’s why Intel Core architecture uses an integrated memory controller to connect fast 1333MHz memory directly to the processor. Together with up to 8MB of shared L3 cache, that helps your applications run at peak performance.

Advanced AMD Radeon HD graphics.

When you need performance for things like playing 3D games, editing HD video, or running design software, the discrete AMD Radeon HD graphics in iMac go to work. You see more frames per second and experience better responsiveness. With the AMD Radeon HD 6970M, the top-of-the-line 27-inch iMac offers the best graphics of any all-in-one. But no matter which iMac you choose, you’re guaranteed superior graphics performance. With up to 2GB of dedicated GDDR5 video memory, these processors provide up to 3x faster performance than the previous generation.2


4 Oct 2011

Puisi " Terancam Mati "

_Terancam mati________________________________

Terancam mati pudar harapan
Terancam mati hilang ingatan
Terancam mati membuat gelap hati

Mendekam rasaku
Segala tentang penat 

Tak ada yang ku bawa
Tempatku mengeluh kasih menangis
Tentang kisah mati

Aku milikmu
Aku harapanmu

Terancam mati 
Jangan bersedih
Tenangkan sejenak rasa sakit akan datang

Kisah ku kawan seperti kisahmu kawan
Tentang penuh warna
Tentang kala membiru

Terancam Mati
Semua akan baik bukan wacana kiasan
Kisah yang manis akan membiru merah

Saat bersama terlupakan sejenak kala mata ini terpejam !
Sudah saatnya kini terpejam gelap tenang 
Kelam yang indah
Kelam yang sunyi aku butuh kelam bahagia

Terancam dan terancam

Karya : yopy toviak/04:10:2011