
26 Aug 2011


Assalamu'alaikum wr,wb

Melaksanakan sholat idh yaitu sholat bersama di masjid antara jam 07-09 pagi dengan diisi pra acara                                        pengajian atau   takbir dan sholawat.
Silaturahmi antar keluarga dan sanak saudara serta kerabat dekat.saling berjabat tangan dan saling memaafkan atas kesalahan kesalahan yang telah di perbuatnya.
Berkumpul dengan keluarga dengan rasa kegembiraan menikmati kemenangan setelah berpuasa satu bulan penuh di bulan ramadhan.Biasanya diisi dengan pesta makan bersama keluarga dan bersilaturahmi.
Biasanya mendoakan atau ziarah ke makam almarhum yang telah meniggal dunia.


22 Aug 2011

My Poetry

Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,

Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:

Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:

For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.


20 Aug 2011


  Ini dia rintisan yang asyik,yang saya tunggu tunggu bagi anda yang bosen dengan penampilan jejaring social  facebook bisa join langsung di www.asyikonline.com .disini sobat bisa otak atik lagi penampilan akun anda jika kurang senang dengan settingan akunnya...

 thanks to posting by http://www.zonaunic.tk

19 Aug 2011

Jaringan LAN


17 Aug 2011

Cinta Tanah Air

Enam puluh enam tahun (66) negara indonesia telah merdeka bebas dari penjajahan,tanpa terasa waktu cepat berlalu usia negara indonesia sudah cukup maju dalam pendidikan maupun bidang teknologi di bandingkan dengan tahun tahun yang lalu.Terima kasih aku ucapkan untuk para  pahlawan yang telah gugur mendahului kita dan berkorban untuk bangsa dan negara.Semoga selalu dalam dekapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa amin,rasa semangat juang para pahlawan selalu tumbuh dalam anugerah kehidupan ini akan memberi dan merubah kehidupan yang lebih baik.Akan aku kenang sejarahmu akan aku wujudkan cita-cita engkau yang tertunda tanpa keringat dan darahmu yang berkecucuran melawan penjajah apalah arti hidupku.
Kecintaan terhadap bangsa dan negara takkan pernah terhapus derasnya ombak begitu saja.Rasa cinta tanah air memang harus tumbuh dalam jiwa sanubari dan selalu tanamkan sejak usia dini.Tak pernah henti hentinya aku selalu menghormati bangsa ini seperti para prajurit kala upacara hormat kepada sang merah putih dia selalu rapat rapi dalam barisannya.

Dan engkaulah pahlawan bangsa
Dan engkaulah bunga bangsa diantara hitam putih kehidupan seiring langit terus berganti engkau tetap takkan terganti.Jiwa dan harapanmu selalu hidup  tenang  dalam surga disana tidak akan merubah sedikit rasa semangat juangmu dikala perang.Merdeka adalah harapan kau pahlawan satu satunya untuk mengakhiri segala penindasan dimasa perjuanganmu melawan penjajah,sedangkan aku melawan bangsa sendiri kuatkan diri ini dalam menjawab semua roda kehidupan ini.Di usiamu yang ke 66 tahun semoga bangsa indonesia lebih maju di segala bidang satu kata MERDEKA  !!! jayalah indonesiaku


16 Aug 2011

Download PC SUIT sony ericsson w200i



12 Aug 2011

Pengaturan ip address dan ARP

IP Addresses and ARP

General Information


The following Manual discusses IP address management and the Address Resolution Protocol settings. IP addresses serve as identification when communicating with other network devices using the TCP/IP version 4 protocol. In turn, communication between devices in one physical network proceeds with the help of Address Resolution Protocol and ARP addresses.


Packages required: system
License required: Level1
Submenu level: /ip address, /ip arp
Standards and Technologies: IPv4, ARP
Hardware usage: Not significant

IP Addressing

Submenu level: /ip address


IP addresses serve for a general host identification purposes in IP networks. Typical (IPv4) address consists of four octets. For proper addressing the router also needs the network mask value, id est which bits of the complete IP address refer to the address of the host, and which - to the address of the network. The network address value is calculated by binary AND operation from network mask and IP address values. It's also possible to specify IP address followed by slash "/" and the amount of bits that form the network address.
In most cases, it is enough to specify the address, the netmask, and the interface arguments. The network prefix and the broadcast address are calculated automatically.
It is possible to add multiple IP addresses to an interface or to leave the interface without any addresses assigned to it. In case of bridging or PPPoE connection, the physical interface may bot have any address assigned, yet be perfectly usable. Putting an IP address to a physical interface included in a bridge would mean actually putting it on the bridge interface itself. You can use /ip address print detail to see to which interface the address belongs to.
MikroTik RouterOS has following types of addresses:
  • Static - manually assigned to the interface by a user
  • Dynamic - automatically assigned to the interface by DHCP or an estabilished PPP connections

Property Description

actual-interface (read-only: name) - name of the actual interface the logical one is bound to. For example, if the physical interface you assigned the address to, is included in a bridge, the actual interface will show that bridge.
address (IP address) - IP address
broadcast (IP address; default: - broadcasting IP address, calculated by default from an IP address and a network mask
disabled (yes | no; default: no) - specifies whether the address is disabled or not
interface (name) - interface name the IP address is assigned to
netmask (IP address; default: - delimits network address part of the IP address from the host part
network (IP address; default: - IP address for the network. For point-to-point links it should be the address of the remote end


You cannot have two different IP addresses from the same network assigned to the router. Exempli gratia, the combination of IP address on the ether1 interface and IP address on the ether2interface is invalid (unless both interfaces are bridged together), because both addresses belong to the same network Use addresses from different networks on different interfaces.


[admin@MikroTik] ip address> add address= interface=ether2
[admin@MikroTik] ip address> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
  #   ADDRESS            NETWORK         BROADCAST       INTERFACE
  0       ether2
  1      ether1
  2    ether2
[admin@MikroTik] ip address>

Address Resolution Protocol

Submenu level: /ip arp


Even though IP packets are addressed using IP addresses, hardware addresses must be used to actually transport data from one host to another. Address Resolution Protocol is used to map OSI level 3 IP addreses to OSI level 2 MAC addreses. Router has a table of currently used ARP entries. Normally the table is built dynamically, but to increase network security, it can be partialy or completely built statically by means of adding static entries.

Property Description

address (IP address) - IP address to be mapped
interface (name) - interface name the IP address is assigned to
mac-address (MAC address; default: 00:00:00:00:00:00) - MAC address to be mapped to


Maximal number of ARP entries is 8192.

If ARP feature is turned off on the interface, i.e., arp=disabled is used, ARP requests from clients are not answered by the router. Therefore, static arp entry should be added to the clients as well. For example, the router's IP and MAC addresses should be added to the Windows workstations using the arp command:

C:\> arp -s  00-aa-00-62-c6-09

If arp property is set to reply-only on the interface, then router only replies to ARP requests. Neighbour MAC addresses will be resolved using /ip arp statically, but there will be no need to add the router's MAC address to other hosts' ARP tables.


[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> add address= interface=ether2 mac-address=06 \
\... :21:00:56:00:12
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, H - DHCP, D - dynamic
  0 D         00:30:4F:1B:B3:D9 ether2
  1 D      00:A0:24:9D:52:A4 ether1
  2     06:21:00:56:00:12 ether2
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp>

If static arp entries are used for network security on an interface, you should set arp to 'reply-only' on that interface. Do it under the relevant /interface menu:

[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> /interface ethernet set ether2 arp=reply-only
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, H - DHCP, D - dynamic
  0 D      00:A0:24:9D:52:A4 ether1
  1     06:21:00:56:00:12 ether2

[admin@MikroTik] ip arp>

Proxy-ARP feature


A router with properly configured proxy ARP feature acts like a transparent ARP proxy between directly connected networks. Consider the following network diagram:
Proxy ARP Diagram
Suppose the host A needs to communicate to host C. To do this, it needs to know host's C MAC address. As shown on the diagram above, host A has /24 network mask. That makes host A to believe that it is directly connected to the whole network. When a computer needs to communicate to another one on a directly connected network, it sends a broadcast ARP request. Therefore host A sends a broadcast ARP request for the host C MAC address.
Broadcast ARP requests are sent to the broadcast MAC address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. Since the ARP request is a broadcast, it will reach all hosts in the network A, including the router R1, but it will not reach host C, because routers do not forward broadcasts by default. A router with enabled proxy ARP knows that the host C is on another subnet and will reply with its own MAC adress. The router with enabled proxy ARP always answer with its own MAC address if it has a route to the destination.
This behaviour can be usefull, for example, if you want to assign dial-in (ppp, pppoe, pptp) clients IP addresses from the same address space as used on the connected LAN.


Consider the following configuration:
Proxy-ARP example
The MikroTik Router setup is as follows:

admin@MikroTik] ip arp> /interface ethernet print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
  #    NAME                 MTU   MAC-ADDRESS       ARP
  0  R eth-LAN              1500  00:50:08:00:00:F5 proxy-arp
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> /interface print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
  #    NAME                 TYPE             MTU
  0    eth-LAN              ether            1500
  1    prism1               prism            1500
  2 D  pppoe-in25           pppoe-in
  3 D  pppoe-in26           pppoe-in
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> /ip address print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
  #   ADDRESS            NETWORK         BROADCAST       INTERFACE
  0      eth-LAN
  1 D         pppoe-in25
  2 D         pppoe-in26
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp> /ip route print
Flags: X - disabled, A - active, D - dynamic, 
C - connect, S - static, r - rip, b - bgp, o - ospf, m - mme, 
B - blackhole, U - unreachable, P - prohibit 
 #      DST-ADDRESS        PREF-SRC        G GATEWAY         DIS INTE...
 0 A S                          r        1   eth-LAN
 1 ADC                        0   eth-LAN
 2 ADC                        0   pppoe-in25
 3 ADC                        0   pppoe-in26
[admin@MikroTik] ip arp>



  • Router shows that the IP address is invalid
    Check whether the interface, the address is assigned to, is present, enabled and running.

    Document di ambil dari mikrotik.com


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Pinta: Painting Made Simple
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Nazaruddin Manusia bertopi Aneh

 Tertangkapnya Manusia bertopi aneh sangatlah rame untuk di perbincangkan,kali ini indonesia bakal gempar atas kedatangan manusia bertopi nan aneh ini ke tanah air. Seribu orang bahkan mempertanyakan  'Hey manusia bertopi siapa lagi yang menyimpan flashdisk berisikan file korupsi ...? Manusia bertopi menjawab : ' Waniiiii pirrroooooO...?

Nazaruddin Pamer Flash Disk
dia berkata : hallo gan nih gue punya flashdisk baru  ,mau kaya gue caranya gampang tinggal ketik REG spasi KKN !

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Pembagian IP address dan subnetting

Ingin Mengetahui Pembagian kelas IP ADDRESS dan SUBNETTING ???

6 Aug 2011




B: ......Rusak bisa ditebak loh..........!
A: Buktinya apa...8-()
B: Tuh lihat sendiri di tv  abis ini itu abis itu ini...kaga ada kata STOP !
A: Oh ya...ya...agan tahu, itu mah sudah budidaya luhur kali dari korupsi sampai ke tulang rusuk ckckckck....
B: Wuahahaha wani piro ??? bener gan ! jadi rusak bisa di tebak caranya dengan ketik REG (spasi) KORUPPETE kirim ke C063K
A: Loh kok KORUPPETE gan?
B: iyo singkatan dari korusi pete abis makan ngomong semua kebagian baunya doang wkwkwkwK..... :-9
A: ya betul tuh emang bener bener BAU buat koruptor............
B:dari gayus sampai sabang lanjut ke makau terus PD terus nazarudin terus terus dan seterusnya KOPLAK yah?
A: Kita orang kecil gan mending kita makan angin aja.....BERSAMBUNG...............

5 Aug 2011

Untaian Cerita Kesendiri

Rasa ini tak akan aku lupakan saat sendiri ini tak ada satu pun manusia menyapa kali ini.Bukan saatnya membuka waktu dan bukan pula membagi kisah kesendirianku,apakah cinta yang selalu membahagiakan orang menjadi tersenyum tak sekalipun aku merasakan itu yang mereka katakan.Mengetikan itu sedikit oleh semua rasa mengerti dan rasa sakit untuk menumbuhkan rasa cintaku.
Inilah jalan untuk menepis semua nafas kehidupan yang indah saat aku jalani dan selalu kusyukuri ini.Sesuatu yang ingin kumiliki sepanjang hidupku ingin sekali kumenikmati kebersamaan.Ayah Ibu aku merindukanmu................... jalan memang selalu berbeda langit masih terlihat pekat hitam jika ku pegang ini adalah pertanyaan.Ku tak mungkin terluka ku tak mungkin mati jika aku persiapkan hidup tuk siapkan hati jika segalanya terjadi nanti kusiapkan hati kusiapkan jiwa raga ini.Kau bawa jika aku letih apa yang terjadi akan aku resapi kali ini dan selamanya,akan aku tumbuhkan harapan dihati untuk semua yang aku miliki.
